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Visitors 258
Modified 16-Dec-24
Created 24-Feb-15
64 photos

Photographs of celestial objects taken by RASC Victoria Centre members during 2015
The Triangulum (Messier 33)Eclipse over Trial IsLunar eclipsePartially eclipsed Moon - 4th ContactLeaving Totality September 27th 2015Totally eclipsed Moon over Juan de Fuca StraitEclipsed Moon in TotalityTotally eclipsed Moon over Juan de Fuca StraitLunar eclipse Sept 2015: end of totality.Lunar eclipse Sept 2015: mid eclipseLunar eclipse over Victoria BC, Sept 2015Messier 31/AndromedaRascals Star PartyRascals Star PartyThe Porter Turret TelescopeThe McGregor ObservatoryStellafane ConventionIsland Star PartyThree Planets