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Visitors 215
Modified 16-Dec-24
Created 27-Apr-19
68 photos

Events held at the Royal BC Museum and at the Centre of the Universe, Observatory Hill, Victoria, BC, Canada on April 27, 2019.
The exhibit floorKid's astronomy activitiesA young astronomer tries out a telescopeThe exhibit floor from aboveA young astronomer tries out binocularsShawnigan Lake School astronomyThe exhibit area from above during setupHerzberg Astronomy and Physics tableReplica of Galileo's telescopeKid's astronomy activitiesTalking astronomyLong exposure view of the astronomy public outreach at the Plaskett Telescope parking lot,Entrance to Astronomy Day exhibits and funSome of Diane's simple artwork - moon craters - and a tiny "Ultima Thule" model, made of styrofoam.From gorgeous sunshine in the morning to thisDiane's Starlene up at the Centre of the Universe and the ObservatoryColin looking through his replica Galileo telescopeMiles, Dave & Martin in the telescope Q&A areaJim, Lauri, Natasha and Marji at the welcome and information desk