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Visitors 212
Modified 16-Dec-24
Created 27-Nov-16
32 photos

Annual General Meeting held November 27, 2016 at Cedar Hill Golf Course, Victoria, BC, Canada
Members and guests seatedMembers and guests seatedMembers and guests seatedMembers and guests seatedMembers and guests seatedMembers and guests seatedMembers and guests seatedMembers and guests seatedMembers and guests seatedMain course buffetMain course buffetDessert tableSherry Buttnor welcomes everyoneThanks to the service staff at the Cedar Hill Golf CoursePaolo Turri presents 'The secret of Adaptive Optics'Bruce Lane gives the Financial ReportLes Welch give the Secretary's ReportChris Gainor gives the National Report on behalf of Lauri RocheNelson Walker receives his Certificate of Appreciation for public outreach at the DAO from Sherry ButtnorChris Purse receives his Certificate of Appreciation for public outreach at the DAO from Sherry Buttnor