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Uploaded 5-Sep-21
Taken 5-Sep-21
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Stars in Andromeda

Stars in Andromeda

Aug/Sep 2021
M31 - Andromeda Galaxy, focussed on NGC206
CDK12.5 / A-P1100GTO AE / ASI6200MM / Optolong LRGB
This months AP-SIG challenge was Andromeda and determining if and how many stars we can resolve outside the Milky Way.
At an Astro-Cafe session I was asked if we could see stars in a mosaic of M31 that I was showing. My stock answer was "no - all the stars you can see are in the Milky Way". A little research and homegrown testing shows clearly that this is not true. The largest Andromedan(?) blue-giant stars in this are also visible through a larger telescope.