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Visitors 261
Modified 16-Dec-24
Created 6-Jul-14
147 photos, 2 videos

This is a slideshow featuring all photos and video taken at the 2014 General Assembly held in Victoria in June 2014.
The commemorative cake for RASC 100th anniversaryThe commemorative cake for RASC 100th anniversary & delegates diDave Balum in period costume for 100 years ago presenting to RASC GA delegatesBetty Hesser being presented with her minor planet certificate by Dave BalumGeneral Belgrano at the DAODelegates outside the historic Plaskett telescopeDelegates outside the historic Plaskett telescopeDelegates outside the historic Plaskett telescopeDelegates outside the historic Plaskett telescopeMark Bohlman, Paul Schumacher and Deb Crawford - the organizersWelcoming Barbecue at the CUThe commemorative cake for RASC 100th anniversaryLauri Roche & Jim Hesser cut the cake at the CUDining at CU - Welcoming BarbecueSteve Pacholuk & Malcolm Scrimger welcome new delegatesHistory Panel at CURandall Rosenfeld speaks at History Panel at CUA speaker at History Panel at CUThe historic Plaskett telescopeThe historic Plaskett telescope